導軌式升降機使用(yòng)的(de)是液壓動力,所以在使用(yòng)的(de)過程中難免會遇到漏油的(de)狀況,發現這(zhè)種問題時(shí)導軌式升降機廠家應該如何處理(lǐ)呢(ne)?漏洞如果不及時(shí)處理(lǐ)則會造成液壓油的(de)慢(màn)慢(màn)減少,以緻于達不到額定的(de)工作高(gāo)度。Rail lift use of hydraulic power, so the use of the process will inevitably encounter the situation of oil spills, and found that the problem of rail type elevator manufacturers should be how to deal with it? If it is not handled in a timely manner, the hydraulic oil will be reduced gradually, which can not reach the rated working height.
漏油最常見的(de)是油封磨損較大(dà),造成的(de)漏油狀況。這(zhè)個(gè)時(shí)候我們可(kě)以根據油缸的(de)大(dà)小進行更換油封,這(zhè)樣就可(kě)以正常使用(yòng)了(le)。另外一種情況是油管密封不好,發現這(zhè)種問題則需要重新對(duì)油管進行壓管處理(lǐ)。Oil leakage is the most common oil seal wear, resulting in oil spills. This time we can according to the size of the cylinder to replace the oil seal, so that it can be used normally. Another case is the tubing seal is not good, it is found that this problem requires the re processing of tubing pressure tube.
如果我們發現導軌式升降機的(de)油管有破損的(de)問題,也(yě)會造成大(dà)在升降的(de)時(shí)候漏油,這(zhè)個(gè)時(shí)候就要對(duì)油管進行更換。If we find that there is a problem with the damage of the oil pipe of the rail lift, it will cause the oil leakage in the lift.
使用(yòng)導軌式升降機的(de)時(shí)候發現地面有油迹就要對(duì)設備進行檢查,以免因爲漏油較多(duō)造成浪費。如果找不到導軌式升降機漏油的(de)原因可(kě)以與供貨商聯系,導軌式升降機廠家會派專門的(de)業務人(rén)員(yuán)爲您檢查維修。When using the elevator guide rail will find the ground oil inspection of equipment, so as to avoid more leakage caused by waste. If you can not find the reason of oil spills can lift rail contact with suppliers, manufacturers will guide Elevator dedicated business staff for your inspection and maintenance.